New England
Music Festival Association
NEMFA Library
For each Concert Festival, NEMFA purchases a portion of the concert program selected by the guest conductors for their respective ensembles. Those selections, along with others donated to NEMFA over the years, are catalogued and maintained by the NEMFA Librarian, Frank Whitcomb, in his home in Colchester, VT. This library not only serves as a resource for each year's guest conductors, but is also available for borrowing. Find out more below!
Are you a NEMFA Member or Participating Student?
You can borrow music from our library for free!
Click on the links to the right view the library and to request the music you would like to borrow! You will be contacted by Frank Whitcomb on the availability of your selections. Click on the "Library Policies" button for more information!
Not a member? No Problem!
For a small library fee, you have the same access to repertoire that our members do! Click on the "Contact Frank" button to the right to request to borrow and ask about the fee!